Humble Choice – (February and) March 2024

It’s a new month and I still haven’t written my post for February, apologies, I was busy with all sorts of stuff from exams to submission deadlines for assignments to other stuff.

Either way, February was pretty good and I ended up grabbing it. As for March, I’m pausing this month. Today, I’ll skip the usual ranking because it’s tedious and I wanna get back into writing by skipping the tedious stuff. Bear with me.


February’s Choice, for anyone wondering, was pretty great. It contained Life is Strange: True Colors which is a game that costs a lot which is why I ended up having it on my wishlist, waiting for a big sale. Similarly, Scorn was also a part of it, and so was Destroy All Humans 2, Beacon Pines, Children of Silentown, Snowtopia, Oaken, and There is no Light.

So, the big two grabs that month were Scorn and Life is Strange: True Colours. Two relatively high-priced games that I’ve been meaning to get for ages. I will play Life is Strange: True Colours on stream, eventually, once I’ve played through Before the Storm and Life is Strange 2.

As for Scorn, I played it on stream and really loved it. I wrote a review on it where you can really tell how I enjoyed every bit of it, even the janky and unintuitive ones. It plays more like a movie or an experience rather than a game, stripping away all the unimmersive bits (like a minimap, quest pointers, exposition, etc.) and just leaving you with a sense of realism in an unrealistic world. Read more over here.

Aside from that, I absolutely adore Beacon Pines, which you may know already, but I already owned it. I ended up gifting the key to my partner who isn’t too into games, actually, so we ended up playing that a little bit together during our long-distance discord date… by which I meant that I was watching her play it to see how she reacts. Was very adorable. Think about Razbuten’s “What Games are like for a Non-Gamer” series but with Beacon Pines.

Destroy All Humans 2 is a game that I loved as a kid on the OG Xbox. I ended up purchasing the remaster of the first game quite some time ago and while it was fun, it felt lacking in content. They kept the graphics same-ish and aside from that, didn’t add or fix anything, leaving a game that didn’t age too well with storylines that didn’t age too well either and just a general sense of “I paid 30 bucks for 10 hours of content, oof”.

It’s bad when all you think about after playing a game is how much you paid for it, I think. Destroy All Humans 2, however, had a lot more content on the Xbox version, so I’d imagine that this could be a ton of fun to play eventually on stream as well, once I find the time.

Not to mention that it appears they’ve greatly overhauled the graphics (just look up Destroy All Humans 2 for a comparison), so this actually seems really exciting. :)

With that said, Oaken, Children of Silentown, Snowtopia and There is No Light are sort of the bottom end. One is a Roguelite game, the other is an adventure title by Daedelic (ugh), and there is a tycoon-type game here and a souls-like.

It’s a wild mix of games that I approve of. I wouldn’t say that these are bad titles even if they’re making up “the bottom end” but they’re certainly not for everyone which is what indie games tend to be about.


March, obviously, is packed with value as well. Not only do we get to grab Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, Nioh 2, Saints Row (the reboot) and Citizen Sleeper all at once but we also get access to the Indie Top-Down shooter Black Skylands, the spectacle fighter Soulstice, the hand-drawn metroidvania title Afterimage and whatever Destroyer: THe U-Boat Hunter!

This month’s selection seems really interesting due to the fact there appears to be something for everyone, in a way, ranging from Warhammer’s and Nioh’s grittiness to Saints Row and Soulstice’s plain fun and Citizen Sleeper’s amazing storytelling.

But I already own Black Skylands and Citizen Sleeper and I have no intention of playing any of the other games any time soon.

I’m not too into Warhammer. I mean, I love the lore and universe, or at least parts of it, but I haven’t played any of the games, even the ones I own, yet.

I own Nioh 1 but have yet to play it. Given how I’ve started to play Sekiro and Dark Souls 3 multiple times and never actually beaten them because I’d just stop playing at some point, I don’t think adding another soulslike to play eventually to my unending backlog is a good idea.

Similarly, Saints Row is probably a good game but I’ve heard that it’s not as great as previous titles. It’s a reboot of sorts, which is fine in and of itself. I own Saintsrow 2-4 and wanna play those eventually. I’m not too interested in this title with that in mind.

Afterimage looks cute but I don’t see myself getting into another metroidvania any time soon. Soulstice looks fun but I have other similar games on my list of games to play. Destroyer is… honestly no clue. Doesn’t seem like my cup of tea.

Looking at screenshots, though, Soulstice does look really pretty and I’d imagine that I’d have a blast with big swords and lots of combos and the like. I’ll put this one onto my wishlist for “eventually when it’s on sale”. Just gonna pass on it for now.

Overall, this is a month worth pausing for. I know, I lose my discount and whatnot but I think the tenner is gonna get better value elsewhere.


In a world where AAA games cost 70 bucks and more, and in a world where food prices have skyrocketed way too much, I believe that I as a poor student who can’t find a job because places nearby aren’t looking for any, can probably do more with ten bucks in a week than spend it on games I won’t play anytime soon. Yes, it’s a great deal and I know, I might be missing out here… but while this month is somewhat great, I don’t think it’s for me, sadly. Not in my current situation.

Also, I used up my spending money already… the self-allotted allowance for games or other fun self-care stuff. Oops.

This post was originally written by Dan Dicere from Indiecator.

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